What are the different jobs in a pipeline as code?
In a pipeline as code, jobs are the individual units of work that make up the different tasks and actions within your CI/CD workflows. They represent the specific actions that need to be performed as part of your pipeline execution. Each job typically corresponds to a specific stage or functionality within your pipeline. Here are some common types of jobs that can be defined in a pipeline as code:
1. Build Job
This job is responsible for compiling your source code, running build scripts, and generating build artifacts.
stage: build
- npm install
- npm run build
- dist/
2. Test Job
The test job focuses on executing various types of tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, or end-to-end tests, to ensure the quality and functionality of your code.
stage: test
- npm run test
3. Deploy Job
This job is responsible for deploying your application or infrastructure to the desired environment, such as staging or production. It involves tasks like provisioning resources, configuring services, and deploying your code.
stage: deploy
- ./deploy.sh
name: production
url: https://myapp.com
4. Release Job
The release job is responsible for packaging your application, generating release builds, and publishing the application to a repository or distribution platform for end-users or customers.
stage: release
- npm run release
- release/
5. Verify Job
This job focuses on performing additional validation and verification steps, such as security scanning, code analysis, or performance testing, to ensure the quality and integrity of your application.
stage: verify
- npm run lint
- npm run security-scan
6. Cleanup Job
The cleanup job involves cleaning up any temporary resources or artifacts created during the pipeline execution, ensuring a clean and consistent environment for future pipeline runs.
stage: cleanup
- rm -rf /tmp/*
7. Notify Job
This optional job can be used to send notifications or alerts about the pipeline status or results, such as sending email notifications, posting messages to chat platforms, or integrating with notification services.
stage: notify
- curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"Pipeline completed"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
These are just a few examples of the different types of jobs that can be defined in a pipeline as code. The jobs you define will depend on the specific requirements of your CI/CD process and the tasks you need to perform. By defining jobs within your pipeline, you can orchestrate the sequence of actions, manage dependencies, and ensure the successful execution of your CI/CD workflows.